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Discusión: LAN implementation

  1. #1

    LAN implementation

    LAN implementation uses several network devices, like a router, switch, network cable (UTP cable), and PC or laptop as user. Some of features that used in this LAN network are website blocking, (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) DHCP, Hotspot, and bandwidth. Testing on LAN networks is done by calculating throughput, delay, and packet loss. This test is needed to find out how well LAN network works.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Hey guys! The BOT model is more versatile and expands up more quickly because to access to offshore markets for human resources. Expert suppliers may be able to help their clients build their teams considerably faster. Establishing an offshore development center for exclusive use allows you to have resources ready at all times to tackle any technical concerns that may occur throughout the course of the project. Get a quote from us today to learn more about why we consider ourselves build operate transfer contract experts.

  4. #4
    Este foro es español....

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