Buenos dais foreros
Buenos dias foreros, cada vez que toco la bobina de mi passat 3 c de 2009 se funde el fusible, lo cambie para pasar la ITV y va, pero despues de tocar un par de veces, se vuelve a caer. Queria saber donde va el rele de la bocina, para ver primero si es el que esta dando el corto , si esto no es, saber que modelo de bocina es la que lleva mi coche y donde se saca, por si esta mal y la tengo que cambiar
Gracias de antemano a todos
Buenos dais foreros
Que no vuelvo a tocar la bocina!!!
Good morning! It sounds like you are having trouble with the horn fuse on your Passat 3C. A blown fuse when it touches the coil could indicate a problem with the horn system, possibly a short or faulty connection. To resolve this, you should inspect the horn for any signs of damage and, if necessary, replace it with a suitable one. Make sure that the connections and wiring are properly checked and repaired to avoid further fuse blows.1v1 lol
The horn fuse for a 2009 Passat 3C is typically located in the fuse box under the Buckshot Roulette hood or dashboard. If replacing the fuse doesn't fix the issue, check the horn relay or the horn itself.